Virechana therapy means ‘Purging’ it eliminates body toxins like vitiated ‘Pitta’. The procedure of cleansing is carried out in the small intenstine & other Pitta zones. Here drugs that stimulates bowel movement are increased for the expulsion of doshas through rectum. it help to cure diseases like
- Hyperacidity, Headache, Epitoxis
- Skin Diseases – Eczema, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Urlicaria, Leprosy, Elepharnliasis, Recurrent Abscess.
- Hepatitis, jaundice , Paralysis, Piles, Chronic fever
- Worms, Gouf, Goiter, Anaemia, Obesity.
- Buring palm, Sole, Eyes.
- Male Infertility – Ougaspemia, Asthenospermia
- Virechan Karma aims to eliminate doshas from kidney, lungs & sweat glands which is otherwise not possible by ‘Vaman Karma’